European Brights

I called this post ‘European Brights’ because the day I wore it, my boss said to me “you look very… European“.

Then (after my quizzical look thrown his way) “…oh but very nice”.

This from the man who once described me to a supplier (who had met me once previously) as “the one with the crazy, but nice, clothes”.

A check shirt, coloured jeans and loafers aren’t exactly ground-breaking in the world of fashion blogging, but in an office on an industrial estate in SW England you’ve apparently got yourself once crazy-ass dressed lady. Me, I just feel normal. Normal, I tell you, normal!!!

Anyhoo, we saw the sun today for about five minutes so that’s good; I’ve confirmed the details for my birthday party so that’s even better; plus it’s Thursday (which is technically Friday Eve) – that’s the best news I’ve had all week!!!

Have any of you lovely people ever had your style described in some bizarre way by someone??

Shirt: Marks & Spencer, Scarf: ASOS, Jeans: Very, Loafers: ASOS, Sunglasses: Therapy at House of Fraser, Bracelets: H&M / Debenhams, Watch: Jasper Conran at Debenhams, Rings: ASOS, Nails: Models Own Concrete Mixer

RELATED  How I Like to Layer For Warmth AND For Styleย in Autumn/Winter


  1. 20 July 2012 / 7:48 pm

    yes, i get this a lot in my work. Last week my bro in law said "rach, it just doesnt…go" to my pattern mixin! dressing in the real world and blogging land is very different if you ask me. But i kinda like that! Its like a little club lol! i love this european esque outfit, bright, cheery and chic! lovely!xxx ps how exciting! your bdays coming wooohoo!

  2. 10 July 2012 / 10:09 am

    I read a couple of times on some forums that my style was terrible – coming from those people, I took it as a compliment, of course!

  3. 7 July 2012 / 8:19 am

    Thank you everyone for all your wonderful comments… I really appreciate them – and maybe next time I won't be so puzzled if I were described as looking "European"! As long as it doesn't come from a middle-aged British male ;)))

    Catherine xoxo

  4. 6 July 2012 / 9:30 pm

    You have such an eye for combining unique colors and prints! And the scarf adds such a nice touch.

    Love the story about your boss… I think men are just clueless sometimes when it comes to describing clothing or style ๐Ÿ˜‰


  5. 6 July 2012 / 9:02 pm

    Pink and red !! I would have never think before on wearing that combination …now I do and love how it looks… fashion is so much fun ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. 6 July 2012 / 5:13 pm

    Funnily enough, a couple of weeks ago, my style was also described as "European": I was on a boat trip on holiday, and a woman commented that she "knew I must be European" because of the zip on the back of my dress. I mean, I know H&M is technically a European brand, but I didn't know their zips were an indication of that!

    Anyway, European or not, I love this outfit on you, and I think it seems *perfect* for an office in an industrial estate, especially in this gloomy weather – you must have been a breath of fresh air!

  7. 6 July 2012 / 4:54 am

    I thInk youl look great, I often have people say well Carrie will wear that ( when no one else would) I take as a compliment !


  8. 6 July 2012 / 1:33 am

    I love that nail color on you! You always mix colors so well. And that hairstyle is on of my favorites. Stunning!

    A Southern Drawl

    • 7 July 2012 / 8:09 am

      Haha to a Brit the term "European" is a little more derogatory, Olivia… (we are known as an anti-European country) – who knows what he was thinking!!! But yes in terms of fashion I like to think European means chic! Thanks hun! xo

  9. 6 July 2012 / 12:32 am

    I never thought pink and red would work together but this looks awesome. I really think that the scarf adds a pop to the entire outfit. Love it!

    The Blue Hour

  10. Adrienne
    5 July 2012 / 11:10 pm

    That sounds like a compliment to me! I would love to be told that.
    I adore those shoes….have since the first time I saw them on your blog. And I am going to try that half-untucked look you're sporting.

    • 7 July 2012 / 8:13 am

      :)) I don't think he would have thought of 'European' as a fashion term, Adrienne – if you had said it to me I would have been super-flattered!! Us Brits are a little, um… anti-European shall I say! Thanks for your lovely comments sweetie xoxo

  11. 5 July 2012 / 10:54 pm

    Love pink and red together, and with the green loafers = fabulous. Yes, sometimes I get "You look very, um, sharp today." : >

    • 6 July 2012 / 11:56 am

      I like the "um", Patti… like they're not sure how to describe it!! We all know you're rocking those visible outfits sweetie :))) and thank you!

  12. 5 July 2012 / 10:38 pm

    Those loafers are gorgeous, I've got a bit of a thing for mint green and anything remotely similar!

  13. 5 July 2012 / 9:52 pm

    Haha i get what you mean, i swear most in the southwest are like four years behind so they freak if they see anything with colour, print or god forbid both styled together! ๐Ÿ˜€ I think you look amazing but then again you always do! Love the red jeans with the pink checked shirt and the mint loafers are so perfect and tie in really well with the colours within your very lovely scarf! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take care,Daniella xox

    • 6 July 2012 / 11:55 am

      Haha I think I dress this way just to wake everyone up down here, D!!!! You're a sweetheart as always, thank you xo

  14. tammy Silverstyle
    5 July 2012 / 9:51 pm

    I think you look smashing. I get a lot of compliments to my face, Lord knows what they say when I walk out of the room!
    But, as usual I don't care and I'm sure you feel the same way. So rock on crazy lady (don't rock to much. After all you are going to be 40)!!!

    • 6 July 2012 / 11:53 am

      Yep I've always said it's better to be talked about than not at all, Tammy ;))) Oh and I'm sure those compliments continued when you leave the room!! Thank you for your lovely comments xoxo

  15. 5 July 2012 / 8:40 pm

    Gorgeous color combo! A coworker asked me if something was wrong with my toes because I painted my nails yellow! Love the braids in your hair too!

    • 6 July 2012 / 11:52 am

      Yep I've had jokes made before about my yellow-painted nails being mouldy and all sorts, Tunde…!! Thank you sweetie xo

  16. Gray Skies
    5 July 2012 / 8:26 pm

    I get a lot of "That's….interesting" in reaction to some of my outfits. To which I always say "Thank you!"

    I love the color combo here – especially the touch of mint green, it's very striking.

    • 6 July 2012 / 11:51 am

      Haha I think I've had the "interesting" comments a few times as well, Stacey – so much better than indifference!! Thanks my sweet xo

  17. 5 July 2012 / 7:25 pm

    Pink and red look so charming and whimsical together…love that you threw in the aqua, great touch!

    <3 Cambria

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