
When Women Are Wonderful: 21 Empowering Quotes From My Readers

I’m going to share a much, much happier and more positive post this week – an antidote to last week’s trolling, if you will!

So if you need to catch up on what I’m referring to you can either read last Friday’s post When Will Women Stop Tearing Each Other Down Online or here it is in a nutshell: I got trolled, I’m absolutely fine, but I’m standing up to them in my most polite-but-insistently-British way. That’s all you need to know really for the purposes of reading this post.

Anyway THIS week I’m sharing the best of the internet. The way that wonderful women come together to empower each other. The comments I’ve had have been nothing short of amazing… I’ve been brought to tears by some of them. When women show kindness towards each other it really can be a powerful thing.


Wonder Woman, Wonderful Women

We’re going to see Wonder Woman at the cinema this weekend (a bit late for us, we usually like to see movies on the opening weekend!) so it was rather apt timing. There are truly wonderful, generous, kind women out there who will stop at nothing to hold others up and support you. The trolls who like to bring us down are the tiny minority, and what we must do is not give them a voice or allow them to get us down.

So here are 21 quotes from my blog, social media platforms and personal emails over the last week… These women (I’ve kept everyone anonymous) sure know what they’re talking about when it comes to negativity, and I’ve been overwhelmed by how many women have been inspired and uplifted by blogs like mine and those of other 40+ women.

The positive will ALWAYS stamp out the negative!

Take it away, ladies…


Amazing quotes from my readers and followers

“Anyone who is happy and confident never needs to make someone else feel bad. Surround yourself with positive people and ditch the ones that drag you down.”


“Your #IWILLWEARWHATILIKE has shifted how so many of us over 40 gals look and feel about fashion, style and ourselves. You’ve created a bold community here that we are all blessed to be a part of.”


“I actually used your phrase out loud to myself just last weekend. I wore shorts to go to the grocery store, something I never do. Off I went saying to myself in the car mirror “I will wear what I like, damn it!” There I was galavanting around the produce section with my legs on display. No one died, least of all me, and I felt good in my sporty outfit. FINALLY, my REAL point –  YOU HAVE A POSITIVE IMPACT on so many women (and likely me) around the globe whether you realize it or not.”


“They obviously don’t get the point that you like what you’re wearing so their opinion doesn’t matter.”


“Brava for not letting it get to you, and for defending those of us who don’t have quite as much confidence in our choices as we’d like to (I’m getting there though).”


“I know you will continue to do what you do so you need no encouragement from me, but just for the record, I think you’re bloody marvellous, an inspiration in style and tenacity to all!”


“I personally make it a goal on a daily basis to compliment at least one stranger. And honestly, the reactions I get from delivering a heartfelt genuine compliment to a complete stranger are so much more worth my while then criticizing someone. Why do people not get that?”


“None of us would ever go up to a stranger and say “you look awful”, but I have gone up to a stranger and said “You look fantastic!” Most recently, it was the cashier at the National Gallery shop on a trip to London with my daughter. The young woman did look fabulous and being told so obviously made her day. And it felt good to make someone happy.”


“I am a long-time reader of your blog and you inspired me to take more risks with what I wear and experiment a little. It is slowly dawning on me that I do not have to inhabit a style straitjacket and can have fun and just go with my gut instinct. If it makes ME happy, I will damn well wear it.”


“I complied with your [#iwillwearwhatilike] message without knowing as I went make-up free to go into town and also wore a dress which showed off my “food baby” but I felt confident and decided that I did not mind if people think I have a tummy or I am pregnant.”


“Catherine I love your strength and forthright nature and also your desire to defend those who are more sensitive than yourself. The joy of one’s little corner of the web aka one’s blog is that we can and ought to be free to do and wear what we want.”


“I’ll have an outfit post coming up soon featuring a crop top that shows off a serious bit of my belly; some people may find it “inappropriate”, but I am definitely ALL about #iwillwearwhatilike!”


“What does matter is that you have influenced so many of us for good with your lovely outfits, your spunky attitude and your example of kindness and generosity. Thanks so much for being a real, actual woman and letting us come along for the ride.”


“I’m sure you’ve inspired many people, but at the very least, you have inspired me. When I first discovered your blog, and your ‘I Will Wear What I Like’ message last year, it was as though I’d finally been given permission to do just that! So, I now wear what I want with abandon because it makes me feel fabulous (even if others don’t necessarily think I look fabulous), and that’s what matters most.”


“Just Sunday it took me a long time to decide to wear a pair of shorts to take my children to a party in the park… In the end I thought “Meh. Whatever. #iwillwearwhatilike”. And so I did, surprising myself. Who knew?”


“There are many of us silent followers getting inspiration and ideas from you. You are feeding us art, fashion, encouragement and showing us looking good doesn’t have to be over at our age.”


“This little corner of the internet has literally kept me going over the last year or so and has inspired me hugely so thank you.”


“You have inspired me to seek out and try on things I probably would have dismissed and have been brilliantly surprised! You inspire me to keep revising my ‘look’ and to realise too that even though I’m close to 60 I can rock pink shoes and short dresses and mad hats.”


“You and your blog are helping this 44-year-old woman to finally be a bit bolder in my fashion choices – I broke out the pair of patterned leggings I’ve been afraid to wear and wore them proudly the other day. I got a lot of compliments on them.”


“Love your blog and you give me (and others) the confidence to wear clothes we love irrespective of our age.”


“I love everything you do and stand for and in the short time I’ve followed you since the launch of my blog you have been an inspiration to me. I’m so so happy that there are women like you in the world.”


And on that note…

I’m off to get a tissue because there seems to be water coming out of my eyes. Thank you so much to EVERYONE that left a comment, I’m so sorry I haven’t replied to very many but I’m slowly working my way through them (more than 200 at the last rough count). You’re all incredibly fabulous and should be proud x


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