15 Unmissable Reads, The Best of the Blogosphere (December 2020)

15 Unmissable Reads, The Best of the Blogosphere (December 2020) | Not Dressed As Lamb

In my Best of the Blogosphere this month I have Dame Judi Dench rapping, Christmas self-care tips, vaccine myth-busting and more.

Last BOTB post of the year! Let’s hope next year isn’t such a sh*t show! Let’s get through Christmas in one piece! Let’s continue to share and create and support and be kind and stay safe! (Lord knows, we need it…)


[Reading time: 3 mins – excluding time reading links]


Well I can’t say I’m sad to see the back of this year, and I’ll admit that I never for one minute thought we (‘we’ meaning the World) would be pretty much in a worse situation than we were back in March. But things ARE, at least, looking up for 2021 with the vaccine roll-out. I had a Covid test this week in advance of a job where I was on a set in London (I was negative for Covid, thank goodness) but then I had to cancel a blood donation appointment I’d made months ago anyway, all because I had a stinker of a cold the week before last.

So I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but safe to say it’s made me realise just how important health is in our lives. It’s EVERYTHING, in fact, and 2020 has brought this to our attention all the more. Our physical health, mental health and emotional health have all taken a beating this year, so let’s call Christmas what it is – not a time to party for five days but a time to do what we can to keep everyone safe, even if it IS without all our individual traditions and get togethers. A little sacrifice will go a long way.

Personally I’m absolutely exhausted, I need a break desperately. I need to find the will to put up my decorations… the tree isn’t even out the loft yet. I’ve just been too busy work-wise to even think about it! That’ll be this weekend’s job.

Not my last blog post for 2020, but as far as the BOTB posts go: Till next year xoxo


What links did you like – and have you found any fabulous new blogs or platforms to follow? Comment below…!


(Photo credits: Top left | Top middle | Top right | Middle left | Middle | Middle right | Bottom left | Bottom middle | Bottom right)

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Dame Judi Dench rapping with rapper Lethal Bizzle is an absolute delight – somehow she’s not at all embarrassing to watch (quite the opposite in fact).

Kaye’s listed 4 tips to you get through Christmas if you’re spending it alone.

If you want to know more about upgrading your mature skincare routine (but were too afraid to ask), Lizzy has you 100% covered with how, what, and when to use retinols.

Way too much pink Christmassy gorgeousness: Keiko has shared a DIY pink Santa hat tutorial for you and your furry friends.

Diane has written at length about gratitude during tough times and how hitting the brakes and slowing down allowed her to notice new things to be grateful for every day.

Watch this guy walking on ice over the world’s deepest lake in Russia: it’s so clear it looks like he’s walking on water.

“It’s a Christmas card guys, this is meant to be a nice thing to do”: proof that even A-listers like Victoria Beckham can have a nightmare taking the family Christmas card photo like the rest of us.

Georgette has 3 simple tips for self-care over the holiday season.

For those wary of the vaccine, watch Dr Benjamin ‘Ward Viking’ Janaway vaccine myth-busting in one minute.

All the feels: 10 positive things I’m bringing into 2021 by Camille (and what she’s leaving behind).

I bloody love hamsters – this hamster escapes ‘prison’ through one of the best animal mazes I’ve ever seen.

Daniella’s autumnal layers and knee-high boots outfit is exactly how I want to look in cold weather All. The. Time.

Something that we should still be doing is supporting the Black community (apparently public support is dwindling – we need to address this). Here are 12 ways to continue to show your support for BLM issues.

For anyone that grew up in the 70s or earlier, this post about vintage Christmas tree ornaments and baubles will make you very nostalgic.

Language warning: Alison superbly explains the difference between not giving a sh*t and having no f*cks left to give.

And a few Not Dressed As Lamb posts you perhaps missed first time around:

~ My New Etsy Shop: Not Lamb Home (Kitsch & Colourful Upcycled Homewares),
~ A Classic Black and Gold Watch With Ethical, Sustainable Credentials,
~ Why It’s Perfectly Okay to Wear Unflattering Outfits and
~ Hot Mess – Or More Coordinated Than I Thought?


Stay safe XOXO

Catherine signature

Linking up to… Monday: Inspire Me Monday, Ageless Style Linkup (first Monday of the month), My Glittery Heart, On Mondays We Link Up || Tuesday: Style With a Smile, Trend Spin/Walking in Memphis in High Heels, Turning Heads Tuesday, Spread the Kindness, Confident Twosday, Happy Now Blog Link Up || Wednesday: Style Me Wednesday, WowOnWednesday || Thursday: Chic & Stylish || Friday: Fancy Friday, On the Edge, Fabulous Friday, Fabulous Friday’s Link Up



  1. 24 December 2020 / 7:18 am

    Thank you for sharing all these links – I will check them out, they all look so interesting!

    • Catherine
      18 January 2021 / 11:42 am

      Thanks Celyn, hope you enjoyed them! x

  2. 22 December 2020 / 9:25 pm

    Fun reads, Catherine. You know I had to peruse the “No F*cks Left to Give.” I haven’t heard that expression but it’s totally fitting for 2020. The man walking on ice is FREAKY as is Judy Dench. I’ll check out the rest over the hopefully restful holidays! Best to you. Rest, relax, rewind, enjoy. See you in the new year!

    xx Darlene

    • Catherine
      18 January 2021 / 11:43 am

      That ice gave me the willies, Darlene!!!!!!! LOL 😀

  3. 22 December 2020 / 11:23 am

    Catherine, I totally just fell down the rabbit hole and clicked on every link! Dame Judi Dench is just so freaking fabulous, isn’t she?! And that fat little hamster is one clever fellow! It was all so good! Wishing you a very happy holiday!


    • Catherine
      18 January 2021 / 11:43 am

      Oops sorry, Shelbee – hopefully they didn’t feel like timewasters, though…?!! heehee

  4. 20 December 2020 / 5:31 pm

    Those vintage tree ornaments make me want to faint. Off to read the retinol article and see what else I need to know about!

    • Catherine
      18 January 2021 / 11:44 am

      I *knew* you’d love the vintage tree ornaments, Lisa!!

  5. Chris Garner
    20 December 2020 / 12:58 pm

    This year has been the craziest year I have ever seen. I feel bad for many who lost love ones because of anti maskers. However, remember to enjoy life and stay positive and say hello to family as safe as you possibly can. Let’s hope next year will be better.

    • Catherine
      18 January 2021 / 11:45 am

      Let’s hope so, Chris – I think it’ll take a while for 2021 to be an improvement on 2020, but we’ll get there I’m sure…!

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