How to Style Brooches: More is More

Spring look: Pale blue sweater emerald green peg trousers flower brooches tan strappy block heeled sandals two tone cross body bag | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 style

Although I never actually stopped wearing them, brooches are back in a big way this year – I for one am glad because I have quite the collection.

After wearing a sculptural masterpiece disguised as a brooch a couple of weeks ago on the blog, it made me remember how much I love them and how they can elevate a reasonably plain outfit into something far more interesting. And what can be better than one brooch? Why, three, of course (more is more as they say)!

After I received my little rose gold initial ‘C’ brooch at Christmas soon after finding the New Look brooch I wore on Christmas eve (the three-flower cluster one you see here), I got the brooch bug again. It led to an impulse buy of this gorgeous rose gold crystal flower from Debenhams, and for a bright, sunny spring day this weekend I wore all three on a pale blue knit which I teamed with perfect-for-spring green trousers and some new strappy sandals that were gifted to me… The first sandals appearance this year, hurrah!

If you’re after blingy brooches I think diamond brooches are a brilliant idea – whatever you buy will be unique.

Spring look: Pale blue sweater emerald green peg trousers flower brooches tan strappy block heeled sandals two tone cross body bag | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 style

I don’t know if you may have noticed but in an attempt to improve the blog photos I’ve switched over to shooting in RAW – something I’ve been meaning to do forever. I’ve always used Photoshop Elements to edit my photos, but Adobe Lightroom is what you should use to get those really, REALLY sharp, bold photos that are always so full of depth… I’ve always envied those bloggers who get that richness and I always knew RAW shooting was the way to go. I’ve yet to fully get to grips with it but if you’re able to shoot in that format I’d recommend it 100%. One of the things I love about it is that bright skies don’t get “blasted” and lose all the detail – just look at the glorious sky in these photos.

I just probably shouldn’t have decided to edit photos with something new (to me) that I’d have to learn to use on the day the photos have to be published. It explains why this post is soooo late, but I hope you like the richness of the photos as much as I do and think it was worth the wait (the last one is my favourite)!


Spring look: Pale blue sweater emerald green peg trousers flower brooches tan strappy block heeled sandals two tone cross body bag | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 style
Spring look: Pale blue sweater emerald green peg trousers flower brooches tan strappy block heeled sandals two tone cross body bag | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 style

Spring look: Pale blue sweater emerald green peg trousers flower brooches tan strappy block heeled sandals two tone cross body bag | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 style

Spring look: Pale blue sweater emerald green peg trousers flower brooches tan strappy block heeled sandals two tone cross body bag | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 style
Spring look: Pale blue sweater emerald green peg trousers flower brooches tan strappy block heeled sandals two tone cross body bag | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 style
Spring look: Pale blue sweater emerald green peg trousers flower brooches tan strappy block heeled sandals two tone cross body bag | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 style
Spring look: Pale blue sweater emerald green peg trousers flower brooches tan strappy block heeled sandals two tone cross body bag | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 style
Spring look: Pale blue sweater emerald green peg trousers flower brooches tan strappy block heeled sandals two tone cross body bag | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 style
Sweater: New Look (similar fine knit, similar chunky knit) | Trousers: ASOS (reduced! all sizes currently available!) | Sandals: Vionic (UK link) c/o | Bag: Accessorize (LOVE this one) | Sunglasses: Marc Jacobs (love these Kate Spade ones: US link, UK link) | Brooches – Initial ‘C’: Christmas gift Single flower: Debenhams Flower cluster: New Look (I love this one) | Lipstick: Maybelline

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  1. 4 April 2017 / 8:14 pm

    Ooh brooches I have lots and lots and wear them every day. They are a must as well as my bangles

  2. 4 April 2017 / 3:16 pm

    Firstly, I've always admired your images but these are bloody amazing! Secondly how gorgeous is baby blue on you woman!
    As for brooches it's a YES from me, please I want an M one now 😉

  3. 4 April 2017 / 2:54 pm

    I love brooches and have about half a dozen but I almost always forget to wear them. Packed away in their little boxes it's a case of out of sight out of mind. I made a little copper pin in jewellery making classes years ago, maybe I should fire up the blow torch and have a go at making some more! I love this colour combination on you Catherine, and the sandals are fab! I wouldn't know where/how to start shooting in RAW – I'm only just getting to grips with a newish camera…baby steps! Your photos are always amazing 🙂

    Emma xxx

  4. 4 April 2017 / 2:08 pm

    They may not have been purchased as a set, but these brooches were MADE to be worn together, dearest Catherine!! And I love the idea of an initial pin…a great variation on the initial necklace idea!! XOXO

  5. 4 April 2017 / 2:04 pm

    Wow….can't get past the color combinations to look at the brooches! We find inspiration for decor everywhere. Your hair is a killer- Bravo!-Laurel Bledsoe

  6. 4 April 2017 / 11:03 am

    I've got a handful of brooches that I inherited so some are probably fifty or sixty years old! I really ought to get them out again. I'm always worried they're going to ruin my top though :/
    You look stunning – shooting in RAW really does add more depth. Perhaps that's why I thought you looked like you had a bit of a tan (I mentioned it on Instagram)??
    Suzy xx

  7. 4 April 2017 / 9:44 am

    Hi! I use brooches to pin together a scarf or a waterfall cardigan, but I hadn't really thought about using them just for decoration like that – I like it!
    By the way, I learned Lightroom with the help of the book by Tony & Chelsea Northrup. I love shooting in RAW and wouldn't do it any other way now – I particularly like the control over the sky as well (I tend to just drop the highlights right down and boost the blue saturation as long as there isn't too much blue elsewhere in the picture.)
    Helen x

  8. 4 April 2017 / 8:05 am

    I am not a huge fan of brooches but I love, love, love, yours Catherine Thank you for the inspiration. The colors are just to die for <3. Thanks for the link-up and have a great week. xo Sabina

  9. 4 April 2017 / 2:10 am

    I am a huge fan of brooches, love how you styled them. I have a collection of vintage brooches and love to wear them. Thank you Catherine for hosting and for your photo tips, I'm always searching for better ways.


  10. 4 April 2017 / 1:13 am

    Catherine, I love brooches. They are so much fun and a great way to add pizzazz to a simple outfit as you have clearly shown. Love your sandals! – Amy

  11. 3 April 2017 / 8:47 pm

    Stunning photos as usual Catherine. I'm not a fan of brooches, never have been but you carry them off beautifully! I've heard others talking about shooting in RAW on the olympus pen so interested to find out more for myself. I've linked up and linked back from my post.

  12. 3 April 2017 / 8:14 pm

    I am so honoured, my dearest Catherine, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
    Over the moon and back again.Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    About the brooches I love themto bits and I buy them wherever I see them. I love them on men, really nice rule braker, hahhahaha.
    Much loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  13. 3 April 2017 / 8:07 pm

    A truly great outfit. Not only the sandals but also the bag. Ok and the trousers, sweater and brooches. I am all for brooches, which is why I have uploaded two photos from blogposts.
    As for Lightroom, I have been using it for 1 1/2 year now and I think you can also edit JPEG's pretty well in Lightroom. Of course when you upload RAW you can do more. But also you HAVE to do more. And they are soooo heavy. Everything takes for ever. So I stopped that pretty quickly.
    Next step is of course Photo Shop itself.. haha.

  14. 3 April 2017 / 5:57 pm

    This outfit is so chic head to toe. Great pants. The bag, sweater and brooches are beautiful and this is styled to perfection. Color harmony!!

  15. 3 April 2017 / 5:07 pm

    Your photos are always sooo good and how great that you've discovered how to get them even better – I didn't know it would be possible. Heh. I'm not on the brooch trend. I almost never wear them, not sure why. Maybe I just need the right one to get me started. Your brooches are fantastic. Thanks for the linkup.

  16. 3 April 2017 / 4:42 pm

    I have the same as Jodie! I only started wearing them when I started blogging! Isn t that funny! Don t know why I didn t wear them before! Now I m a collector! Lol!

  17. 3 April 2017 / 4:22 pm

    Your photos are always wonderful Catherine. I'm glad brooches are back too, I must wear them more! X

  18. 3 April 2017 / 3:59 pm

    I do love brooches—but only since I've started blogging! I used to think that they were old fashioned–ha ha! And I love clustering them. I tend to put them way closer together–maybe I'll try keeping them farther apart next time like yours!
    As for the raw photos–I tried it at first after my photography class, but then I had trouble with uploading them into my windows media. I gave up at that point. I should revisit it…

  19. 3 April 2017 / 3:52 pm

    You photos look amazing! One day I'll look into shooting in raw…

    Your brooches look amazing. I can't believe, I don't own any… I think I'll have to change that!

    Thanks for the link up & have a great week!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    • 3 April 2017 / 7:28 pm

      Andrea thank you! And yes, you should treat yourself, don't you think?!

  20. 3 April 2017 / 3:49 pm

    Great photos, depth of field and clarity is amazing. My husband always shoots in RAW but I'm not familiar with the editing package. Will see if I can switch.

    • 3 April 2017 / 7:27 pm

      Oh Gail thank you!! I've been putting it off for the same reason (no time to learn something new…) but I'm so glad I finally switched x

  21. 3 April 2017 / 3:41 pm

    I love the idea of clustering brooches. I always forget I have brooches when putting my outfits together.

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