Meeting Twiggy and Making a Spectacle of Myself

Red nails, red glasses, red hair | Beauty look for glasses, over 40 | Not Dressed As Lamb

The Saturday Share Link Up is live – better late than never!

I can’t believe that I’ve failed to get it out in time after just one week, though I have a lame excuse, sir: The dog ate my homework.

Er no sorry, I mean a car alarm was going off outside our house all evening yesterday (a few feet from our front door) and it totally distracted me from what I was meant to be doing, i.e. this post. We were on the phone to the non-emergency police services, who passed us onto environmental services, who passed us onto… You get the picture. After half an hour you’re truly fed up, after an hour you’re wanting to tear your ear drums out.

Anyway! it’s now live, here’s a quick explanation as we’re only in week two of this new linky:

As many of you know I host a Monday link up called #iwillwearwhatilike, where everyone can join in by adding their outfits. However I always stress that it’s for outfits only, but I still get people linking up anything-that’s-not-an-outfit post. So this is a brand new weekend linky that’s for everyone to share anything and everything, old or new, from your Instagram or blogs, no limit to how many you link up… use the hashtag #SaturdayShareLinkUp if you’re tweeting about it (tweet your link, add a picture and I’ll retweet it)!


This week I had the pleasure of meeting Twiggy

Each week I’ll also share my favourite blog post, Instagram post or Facebook post – this week I’m sharing a little snippet of some of my Instagram posts and Stories as I had the pleasure of meeting none other than the original supermodel herself, Twiggy!

I was attending the Specsavers Spectacle of the Year Awards evening in London – I was asked to cover the event on my social media and had no idea that it was going to be such a celebrity-filled bash. It was hosted by the (totally brilliant) Rylan Clark, and I think just about every reality TV star and D-list celeb was in attendance.

But there was only one person I really wanted my picture taken with – and that was Twiggy:

The Specsavers Spectacle Wearer of the Year Awards | Twiggy | Girls in glasses | Not Dressed As Lamb

It was actually a very fun night – events like these are the best sort of work as a blogger – meeting Twiggy as part of my job is something I can put up with…! We also raised about £88,000 on the night for the wonderful charity Kidscape, which works to promote the anti-bullying message and shine a spotlight on child protection issues. Proud stuff to be part of.


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    • 22 October 2016 / 12:06 pm

      They were still just as beautiful, Patricia!!!!

  1. 17 October 2016 / 3:25 pm

    How lovely. It will be a pleasure to link up on the weekend for sure.

  2. 17 October 2016 / 11:01 am

    How cool that you got to meet Twiggy!!!!

  3. 17 October 2016 / 9:40 am

    Please no worries on being late. <3 Your week must have been really exciting and extraordinary. Btw: you titally insipired me to take a break from blogging!!! It did wonders…..Thanks for hosting and happy Monday. xo Sabina

    • 22 October 2016 / 12:06 pm

      Oh Sabina, I'm so glad – hope it did you the world of good like it did me!! x

  4. 16 October 2016 / 10:58 pm

    How fun that you got to meet Twiggy. And, no worries about being late to post. I was at a convention all weekend and couldn't get around to posting now anyway.

  5. 15 October 2016 / 11:17 pm

    Love having another opportunity to link up with you! And how cool that you got to meet Twiggy!!

  6. Adrienne Shubin
    15 October 2016 / 6:39 pm

    How exciting to have met Twiggy!! You both look gorgeous and those glasses were made for you…they could not look better! So flattering! I have such a hard time finding glasses that flatter my face. I bet you look gorgeous in all types of glasses.
    Have a great weekend! xoxox, A

  7. 15 October 2016 / 3:08 pm

    One second, Catherine.

    TWIGGYYYYYYY!!! OMG OMG OMG. How absolutely, positively, incredibly lucky!! How was she in person?? Oh my goodness, I think it would've been one of those moments wherein I'd squeak instead of speak, and, very likely, gush and babble!! Wow.

  8. 15 October 2016 / 2:24 pm

    Gosh—what a memorable evening for you, Catherine!!
    My week pales in comparison with going to a boot camp workout!! I'll trade you anytime!

  9. 15 October 2016 / 10:56 am

    It is incredibly hard to top meeting Twiggy. That. Is. Epic. I can't top your highlight. But– I will say that the highlight of my week was the bonus check I received at work yesterday!

  10. 15 October 2016 / 9:04 am

    Twiggy, an icon! That's a great shot of the two of you together – it would definitely have made my night too. Your specs look fantastic.

  11. 15 October 2016 / 8:57 am

    Wow Catherine…First, your specs look fabulous.
    Second, TWIGGY!!
    Very cool.
    Thank you for hosting this fun linky.
    P.S. I have linked a couple of Instagram pictures for the first time (Every day is a school day :oP)

    • 22 October 2016 / 12:05 pm

      As I always say – the more the merrier Samantha!!!! x

  12. 15 October 2016 / 8:32 am

    Oh wow, what an honor to meet Twiggy!

  13. 15 October 2016 / 7:59 am

    Catherine, you look stunning in your specs. They really suit you. How fab to get a photo with Twiggy too. I'm so happy to hear that you had a great time too xxxxxx love Liz xxxxxx xxxxxx

    • 22 October 2016 / 11:54 am

      It was unexpectedly a lot of fun, Liz!! Thank you sweetie x

  14. 15 October 2016 / 7:57 am

    TWIGGY!!!!! Oh, so lucky that you met her; she really is a living icon. Thank you for hosting, C. You're looking completely fab in your glasses too!

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